Town Hall April 1

April 1 at 7 PM | Please fill out this form and click submit.
Town Halls for Stewardship and Annual Meeting Prep

All members and contributing friends are invited, welcome and needed at our Town Halls to kick-off the Stewardship season at the Fellowship. Four different Town Halls are scheduled. Please sign up for at least one of them! The Fellowship is all of us, and our work together needs all of us!


This RSVP form is for Monday, April 1: The first Town Hall is designed primarily for the newest members of the Fellowship (since 2021), though all others are invited as well. We’ll meet in the Social Hall at 7 PM for wine, cheese, charcuterie and other refreshments, and conversation about Stewardship and upcoming bylaws changes.

Please select one option.


April 1 at 7 PM
Please fill out this form and click submit.