2024/25 Child and Youth Registration

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Form must be filled out by parent or legal guardian.

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Shared Ministry

Our programs thrive on collaboration between staff, families, and other loving, dedicated adults in the congregation. We recruit from the whole congregation, but parental support is key. 


If you are new to us, we understand that you need some time to get to know us and get settled. If you have been with us for 6 months or more, we ask that you take on a classroom role, as that is our greatest need. Classroom collaboration only requires one Sunday per month and often doubles as parental faith development as you experience stories from our faith through a simplified lens. 


All RE collaborators receive training and invitations to team-building and spiritual gatherings intended to fill the cups of those who pour themselves into our vital programs. 
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Agreements and Authorizations

I understand that UUFC assumes no liability for loss, damages, or any kind of injury sustained by my child, myself, or our property while participating in Fellowship events. I, therefore, assume all risk associated with participation in Fellowship activities. By signing this release of liability and participating in UUFC Fellowship events, I hereby fully and forever release and discharge UUFC and their staff, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims or demands resulting from or arising out of my participation in UUFC events.
I do hereby authorize the staff and volunteers of UUFC to consent to any necessary emergency transportation, examination, anesthetic, medical diagnosis, surgery, or treatment and/or hospital care to be rendered to the above-named minor, under the general or special supervision and on the advice of any physician licensed to practice medicine. I understand that I will be responsible for all financial obligations and insurance claims resulting from the aforementioned care. I understand that this consent allows emergency treatment to be initiated without delay and that the staff, volunteers, and emergency personnel will continue efforts to contact me.
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Rule Acknowledgement

1. Participation in some Fellowship events involves risk. Any participant in UUFC events acknowledges these risks and assumes all responsibility. 

2. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children and youth outside of designated fellowship children's or youth activities. Children under 18 are not permitted to linger unattended in the classroom wing or playground. 

3. No alcohol, tobacco, vape, or drugs are permitted at children's or youth gatherings. 

4. No sexual activity or sexually explicit media of any kind are permitted in children's or youth gatherings, either physical or digital. While we may discuss sexuality in an open and honest manner, expressions of individual sexuality do not support the welcoming and safe environment we aim to share.

5. No intentional destruction of personal or Fellowship property is allowed, including but not limited to graffiti, stickers, and carving. 

6. Violent language and behavior are not permitted on UUFC property. 

7. No firearms or weapons of any kind are allowed on UUFC property. 

8.No leaving the event location without proper permission – what constitutes permission may vary by event but must require permission from the adult responsible for supervising the children or youth participants.

9. Rule of three - All multigenerational gatherings and excursions must include a minimum of three participants. Two related adults cannot satisfy this requirement. Two unrelated adults need to be present whenever minors are in our care without their guardians.

10. Photos of participants may be used by UUFC unless consent is withdrawn by sending an email indicating a desire to withdraw photo permission to Skyla King-Christison (dre@uucorvallis.org)
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Electronic Signature

By typing my name in the box above, I am providing my digital signature on this form.
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By clicking here, you are consenting to the use of your electronic signature in lieu of an original signature on paper. You have the right to request that you sign a paper copy instead. By checking here, you are waiving that right. After consent, you may, upon written request to Skyla King-Christison, obtain a paper copy of the electronic record. Your agreement to use an electronic signature with us for any documents will continue until such time as you notify us in writing that you no longer wish to use an electronic signature. 


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