October Youth Event RSVP

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Come join yUUth from across Oregon and Washington for some fun and community-building on October 26th! 

Pizza will be served in room 7 at 6, followed by evening worship and then a trip to the haunted corn maze at the Melon Shack. The youth will sleep over in room 7, attend church, and trick or treat together the next day. Costumes for Sunday are strongly encouraged!

We recognize that not everyone enjoys haunted events, and we remind you that there is a hay slide and tents with lights for hanging out with your new youth group besties, so come anyway and enjoy the parts that speak to you!

The Fellowship will pay for entry to the corn maze and pizza, but if youth want to purchase pumpkins or food and drinks from the food trucks, they should bring their own spending money. 

WHEN? October 26th @ 6 through October 27th

WHERE? Room 7 @ UUFC and the Melon Shack.  

This registration form is due no later than OCTOBER 12th. 

Friends are always welcome at youth events as long as they register and fill out the YRUU registration here so that we have their appropriate emergency information

Please direct any questions to Skyla dre@uucorvallis.org
This form must be filled out by a parent or guardian.

Please select one option.


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